*Please note: these programs have concluded. We will not be accepting emails/forms at this time.
2021 NEDAA Grant
This year, we are giving away $500 in grant(s) to a member (or multiple members) who are seeking assistance in furthering their professional life. This could be in the form of purchasing new equipment for their home office, assisting with tuition for an education program, or any other type of costs related to furthering your career. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2021.
The grantee(s) will be announced at Northeast District Convention 2021.
Applications have been closed.
Resume Critiquing
NEDAA is rolling out our Resume Critiquing Program! Our volunteers are standing by to help Student and Alumni members of the Northeast District tailor their resumes and cover letters to their dream jobs! A few volunteers have offered to look over grad school and doctoral program applications for anyone interested! To participate in the program, just fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/vBUSaXXFCzDb1ZZaA
Professional Development Panel
March 13th at 2:00pm
Check out some All-Star NEDAA Panelists as they discuss Healthy Workplace Habits during a virtual discussion at NEDCon 2021! More information will be shared in the upcoming weeks, including Panelist bios, the questions you can expect them to answer, and how you can submit your own questions for discussion! Stay tuned!
Mock Interview Workshop
REGISTRATION REQUESTED | March 13th at 4:00pm
NEDAA will be hosting a Mock Interview Workshop at NEDCon 2021! Participants are invited to submit their resume and dream job descriptions to our volunteers who will provide a realistic, industry specific, virtual interview experience- complete with feedback on how the interview went! People wanting mock interviews must register in advace in order for our volunteers to prepare. We encourage anyone serving as their chapter delegate to ask for a mock interview slot after NED Convention.
We are more than happy to help schedule a mock interview for after convention.
To register, fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/C1jkr7oWxzfw41mN7
If you are interested in volunteering to help out with the program, please email NEDAAVPTBS@gmail.com